The Hanningfield Cannabis Grinder
Hanningfield is at the leading edge of the cannabis industry. Our Cannabis Grinder allows you to size reduce your cannabis product before extraction to successfully maximize your yield.
Hanningfield can help you produce a better quality cannabis grind. Our series of Uni-Mill cannabis grinding machines provides customers with consistent size reduction results and the ability to produce various particle sizes on one machine. The sanitary design is GMP compliant and FDA ready, allowing for easy cleaning and helping to future-proof against more stringent industry regulation and standards. With low heat, dust and noise levels, the grinders are also easy to operate and fully scalable (from lab to production size) therefore catering to your specific cannabis grinding requirements.
Our Experience
We offer expert advice and guidance on selecting the right pharma-grade cannabis grinding machine. With 35+ years experience in the pharmaceutical industry, our equipment is installed at market-leading companies worldwide. This gives us a valuable knowledge base with which to understand common industry problems and provide innovative solutions. Our team can assist you through the process of selecting the correct grinder and mill screen type so that you can achieve your maximum potential.
Our cannabis grinder machines are designed for the safe and hygienic processing of plants, buds, leaves and trim.
Video: Watch our cannabis grinder in action >>
Optional Extras
The best way to produce higher yields is to grind the cannabis plant prior to extracting the oils. Grinding the plant material creates a consistent particle size which in turn improves the quality of the final product.
Vacuum Boost
For maximum capacity, a Vacuum Booster can be supplied with the grinder. This greatly increases the throughput of the grinder and and also improves the quality of the final product.
Nitrogen Addition
This cryo-technology works by bringing the material far below the temperature where it may melt or release oils. Two methods can be used including injecting LN2 into the mill or to bathe the plant product in LN2.
Get in Touch
If you would like to speak to one of our experts regarding our Cannabis Grinding Machine or would like a quote on one of our products, send us a message using our Contact Form or call us on +44 (0)1702 549 777.
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